CSSconf EU 2017


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Additional Information

By the community

CSSconf EU will gather an international audience of top notch front end developers and designers in Berlin. A community conference dedicated to CSS and the designers and developers who love it. Organized with love by @kriesse, @rtrospekt and @verpixelt.

For the community

No one will take financial profit out of this. Every penny will be used to make the conference inclusive and excellent in terms of talks, location, technical equipment, parties, food and drinks. Support us, become a sponsor!

Diversity Support Tickets

CSSconf EU strives to create a genuinely welcoming, safe and inspiring event for the CSS community. We offer Diversity Support Tickets to allow an even more diverse audience to participate in the conference.

How does this work? You purchase a ticket for yourself, and enable another person of the conference’s choosing to attend the event by paying a share towards their ticket. The support options range from paying 25%, 50% to 100% towards a full ticket. We thank you in advance for your generosity and awesomeness and look forward to a more diverse CSSconf EU than ever before.