whitson+ software course 01OCT2025
nb: free for whitson+ subscribing companies just e-mail carlsen@whitson.com to join.
whitson+ software course
An in-person, full-day whitson+ software course to be held on 18 September in Houston (day before whitCon 2025 - see below links for info on whitCon 2025).
Lecturers: Graham Helfrick, Moe Majzoub Dahouk, Teja Chavali, Ana Proaño, Curtis Hays Whitson, Mathias Carlsen, + our full software team on tech support (in-person)
Time: 8 am - 4 pm
Location: Norris Conference Centers - Houston/CityCentre (in-person attendance only)
Closest Hotel: Moran (https://maps.app.goo.gl/5T6rhbDNwt53LqZE6). Skybridge to classrooms.
• DCA & Type Wells
• PVT & Phase Behavior
• Bottomhole Pressure Calculations & Nodal Analysis
• Numerical Modeling
• Unconventional Well Tests (CPG, DFIT, DQI)
• +++