CorridorJS 0.0.2

On the last Thursday of every month, the local JavaScript community gets together for a day to hang out and talk shop.

The main event is CorridorJS, which starts at 7pm and includes community-curated lightning talks. Admission is $10 and comes with a drink ticket, which can optionally be redeemed for a craft beer, wine, or soda.

All proceeds (after bar, venue, and other costs) go to a local charity. For details, check out our budget.

If you can't get a ticket for either, feel free to show up for the social hour down the street at McCabes around 9pm, when we all show up to hydrate.

If you would like to sponsor CorridorJS, a $500 sponsor token will get two of your developers (no recruiters, please) into the event, a place to put your shwag, and a minute to introduce yourself to the audience. Check out our Sponsorship FAQ for more information and please contact us here before buying, as we're very picky about who we let in, and want to make sure there's a good fit with your company and our objectives as a community event.

For details, head to Or find us on Twitter at @corridorjs.