Kyle Simpson's JavaScript Workshop in London
Kyle Simpson (a.k.a. @getify), JavaScript trainer and author of the popular O'Reilly You Don't Know JS book series, is making a rare trip to London to run a two-day JavaScript workshop covering ES6 and asynchronous programming techniques in depth.
Additional Information
The general outline for the workshop is as follows:
Day 1 (Monday, June 27) - ES6: The Right Parts
An opinionated guide to the new features of ES6 that you should be using (and those to avoid) and why they help improve your pre-ES6 code's readability/understandability. We'll cover block scoping, rest/spread, destructuring, object literal improvements, template literals, symbols, iterators, and generators.
Day 2 (Tuesday, June 28) - Rethinking Async
A ground-up deep dive into all aspects of async JS, starting first with understanding what concurrency is, then looking at callbacks to see the pros/cons, then building on that understanding towards promises, generators, and finally higher order patterns like reactive observables and CSP channels.
The venue is etc.venues Tenter House in Moorgate - EC2Y 9AE (for anyone unfamiliar with London, central, within the City).