24 Pull Requests 2016

9:30 to 17:00

After the huge success of last year, codebar & Ladies of Code are partnering with 24 Pull Requests again to bring you a day of contributing to open-source projects.

Participants will be paired with mentors to submit pull requests to a curated selection of projects that need community help.

Sign up as a participant if you are new to programming and want to learn the ins and outs of contributing to open source. Some coding experience required (familiarity with HTML/CSS & Git at least).

Sign up as a mentor if you've been programming for a while and/or are involved with OSS and want to help others who are just getting started. You'll be assigned to a pair or group on the day who may need some help with Git, command line, and writing source code in a language you're comfortable mentoring.

Please don't book BOTH ticket types! We'd greatly appreciate if you only book for yourself.