An Ops and Systems Programming Conference from Code & Supply.
Uptime will be a single track conference focusing on skills and technologies that improve software delivery and infrastructure management.
Featuring a hand-picked lineup of presenters that we think best emphasize the values and ideas that will move our community forward.
Additional Information
The official conference hotel is the Omni William Penn.
All attendees are expected to follow and abide by the Code & Supply Code of Conduct available at https://codeandsupply.co/code-of-conduct.
Refunds will not be given under any circumstances, except for the following:
A CFP speaker who already purchased a ticket and would prefer a refund instead of donating the ticket to the scholarship pool or transferring it.
If you are unable to use your ticket, we recommend one of the following:
- Sell your ticket for not more than your purchase price
- Give your ticket away to someone you know
- Give your ticket to the scholarship pool and be recognized as a scholarship donor
See the ticket transfer instructions for more information. All transfers are subject to availability. Not all ticket types may be transferrable.