SODU 2022
The Scottish Open Data Unconference (SODU) is back for 2022 - and this will be our first physical manifestation.
It will run over two days - and online attendance will be possible too.
Additional Information
The event will be held over two days on 5th and 6th November 2022.
It will take place in the ONE Tech Hub, Schoolhill, Aberdeen. We will make online attendance available via Zoom.
If the ticket prices are prohibitive please get in touch at info@codethecity.org and let us know. We can probably assist you to be here!
Please note our policy on reducing the spread of infections diseases such as Covid-19.
This UNconference event will follow the open space format, where participants create the agenda each morning for the sessions that will happen that day. This is the time to pitch your questions to the many people who will be there, and to tell others about your project too. Sessions in open space always work best when there is an interactive aspect so that the participants talk as much as the person chairing the session. This short video will tell you more about open space. The amazing thing is that it scales really well from 20 people to over 1000 people.
(header photo Watty62, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons )