The year 2029 - Circular Economy, IOT and meeting recycling targets

The Future of a Circular Economy: Resource Management

30th July 18:15 - 21:00

The year is 2029 and the UK is one year away from its ambitious 2030 target of achieving a recycling rate of 60%. Businesses need to recycle 75% of their waste as a significant contribution to meeting the UK’s target of 60%, will UK businesses step up to the mark to deliver 75% recycling and what will the future look like?

-What innovations will the industry have adopted to get us there?

-What kind of everyday behavioural changes will have to happen as a precursor to successfully hitting this target?

-Will municipal authorities have adjusted to a system of material recovery instead of waste management?

The United Kingdom has the opportunity to lead the way over the next decade in adopting circular economy principles. Technology can play a part in capturing material at source, developing new packaging solutions, designing smart bins to be used both at home and in the workplace as well as material scanners using AI to identify and separate products. There’s a bright future ahead for resource management and this will play an integral role in the UK shifting to a truly circular economy.

Join the Circular Economy Club London for an evening panel discussion with innovative thinkers and industry leaders at the HQ of First Mile - London’s forward thinking environmental services company.

18:15 Arrival and Networking

18:30 Panel discussion with audience Q & A -

"The year 2029 - Circular Economy, IOT and meeting recycling targets" chaired by Dr David Greenfield, CEC London organiser

Confirmed Speakers:

Bruce Bratley, founder of the waste management company, First Mile
Anna Poberezhna, Founder, CEO, Smart4tech
Dr Adam Read, Director of External Affairs, SUEZ Resource & Recycling UK
Paul McSweeney, founder of ZeroNet, the reverse logistics platform for circular economy

19.30 Networking, drinks and nibbles

20.30 - event finishes or to the pub.

Image courtsey of:


Additional Information

Circular Economy Club (CEC) London is run by volunteers led Dr David Greenfield and supported by Ana Maria Jaramillo Abadia, Angelique Belle, Kalyani Inampudi, Natalie Ibbott and Sat Pillai. Together, they organise the London events that aim to network everyone needs to transition to a fully circular economy in London and beyond. If you know of Circular projects interested in being featured by CEC or wish to sponsor a future event, please send an email to More at