Introduction to React.js Workshop

This workshop is a one-day introduction to the JavaScript framework React.js for experienced developers. After this course, you will be ready to start using React to build performant and interactive web applications.

Tickets Prices in USD

Additional Information

This workshop targets developers with programming experience, ideally in JavaScript. We will briefly revisit JavaScript in the context of React, but participants are expected to be comfortable writing JavaScript.

The workshop is taught by Kristian Freeman: React developer, trainer, and organizer of Byteconf. Kristian has been teaching this workshop in-person for almost two years at companies like American Express, Best Buy, and Choice Hotels.

Here's what previous students have said about this workshop:

The exercises were great, well-paced, and created in a way that makes you understand the point or the lecture that you just received.

Kristian was very clear, and addressed questions and problems efficiently. The exercises were well thought out, with lots of hands-on time.

Kristian is passionate about what he's doing – this made each lecture that much more enjoyable.

The workshop assumes that participants have little or no experience with React, and introduces developers to React by building a small React application. In doing so, we’ll explore the theory behind React as a framework, and how to build complex applications using React components. The workshop will alternate between lectures and hands-on "labs", where you'll get an opportunity to write code and ask questions. There are only thirty slots available for this training workshop, so that Kristian can properly attend to questions from each student, if needed!

Participants will receive PDF copies of the workshop slides, as well as all code written as part of the workshop.

What we'll cover:

  • Revisiting JavaScript
    • Program execution
    • Data structures
    • Control flow
    • JavaScript classes
    • Functional JavaScript
  • React
    • Why React?
    • A brief React history
    • Setting up a React project
    • Understanding React components
    • The “view layer”
    • Understanding JSX
    • React components versus HTML
    • Component lifecycle
    • Understanding complex components
    • Component trees

Developers: need help convincing your boss and manager to expense or reimburse your ticket for this workshop? Here's an email template for you to use!