Still Ready for Work | Online Employability Workshops

The Still Ready for Work online workshops programme support people (in and out of employment) aged 50+ to remain in work, to change career or to source employment. Through these free sessions, we can help you stay motivated, confident and connected as you prepare your next steps in the world of work.

Choose from workshops covering the following themes:

  • How to create a digital CV and cover letter
  • How to use recruitment agencies and job boards to work on your behalf
  • How to use recruitment agencies and job boards to work on your behalf
  • How to succeed in online and face-to-face interviews

Participants can sign up for or as many or as few workshops as they wish and, following the workshop/s, they will have access to one-to-one training with an expert job coach. 

All offers as part of the Still Ready for Work programme are free for participants, delivered by professional trainers or facilitators, and are lively and interactive.

Following registration below, you will be sent a Zoom joining link for your chosen workshop/workshops.


Additional Information

Part of the Age at Work programme delivered by Business in the Community Northern Ireland and Age NI.