Papers in Systems Discussion Series: The Real World of Technology

The Real World of Technology by Ursula M Franklin

“I start from the premise that we are living in a very difficult, very interesting time, a time in which a major historical period is coming to a convoluted end. I think we live in a time in which the social and political upheaval is as great or greater than it was at the time of the Reformation. And so I would like to do a bit of orienteering and map-making so the discourse in which we all have to engage can be conducted in a common language. As I see it, technology has built the house in which we all live. The house is continually being extended and remodelled.”

-- Ursula M Franklin in The Real World of Technology

If you're intrigued by this quote, there's more!

Our Papers in Systems discussion series will continue with discussion of chapter one (the introduction to) “The Real World of Technology" by Ursula M Franklin

The discussion will be led by Yvonne Lam.

When: Monday, October 2, 2023, 1PM - 2PM Eastern Time (US/Canada). The Zoom room will remain open until 2:30PM for informal discussion. Check time in your time zone.

The book (including the paper, or rather lecture/chapter) is available at many of the usual places you buy books, and also online:




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