Extensible Web Summit

Bocoup is excited to partner with the Technical Architecture Group (TAG) of W3C to host a half-day unconf. TAG is responsible for coordinating cross-technology architecture and the principles of Web architecture at the W3C. This event is part of the Extensible Web Summit series.

The idea is to bring together people from a diverse set of interests and backgrounds to talk about the future of web technologies. This includes concepts put forward in the Extensible Web Manifesto but is not limited to those concepts. The event is a chance for web developers, web platform developers and developers focusing on standards to come together in an informal context to discuss new approaches, suggest new work, highlight issues and generally discuss the state of the web platform and its continued evolution.

The breakout topics will be up to the participants, but additional potential topical topics could include: protecting user privacy on the web; how new web security technologies help to mitigate against surveillance and what else is needed; how web technologies could help mitigate against fake news and online abuse.

The event will include lightning talks by community members followed by hour-long breakout sessions and will conclude with a wrap-up and documentation of takeaways and feedback.


1:30pm - Doors open
2:00pm - 2:30pm: Lightning talks by community and TAG members
2:30 - 5:30: Breakout sessions led by community members 5:30 - 6:00pm: Grab some pizza, regroup and wrap-up

(collaborative notes: https://pad.w3ctag.org/p/ews_boston)

Lighting speakers will include:

Breakout Session Leaders

More speakers and Session Leaders TBA

Pizza and beer will be provided for attendees. All proceeds from this event will be donated to Science Club for Girls.

Tickets Prices in USD

Event map

Additional Information