Professional Learning in the Pub (February, 2023)

Looking for new ideas for teaching design and digital technologies?  Want to connect with like-minded peers with a focus on STEM education? This event is for you!

This month, Bitlink has the inspirational Jameson Harvey from Red Dirt Robotics as our guest speaker. In 2019, Jameson's team won the the national First Lego League robotics championship. The competition sent them to Houston, where they finished 2nd in the world! Following on from their win, Jameson founded Royal Robotics to empower and engage the next generation of engineers. In 2022, he started Red Dirt Robotics, travelling over 35,000 kilometres to take his passion to some of Australia's most remote schools!



February 27th, 2023

4:00pm – 5:00pm AEDT
PL in the Pub

Join us at 4pm for a bit of networking. The talk will start around 4:30 and finish at 5, with some more time for networking after the talk. Feel free to hang around after for another drink, or invite the family to join you for a pizza after 5 when the kitchen opens.

Event map

Additional Information

What is Professional Learning at the Pub?

Catch up with the Bitlink team, special guests and other teachers to compare notes and chat about STEM education.  All educators are welcome!

Where & When?

Du Cane Brewing (60/64 Elizabeth Street, Launceston), 4pm to 5pm, Monday February 27th.

Special Guest

Our special guest is Jameson Harvey from Red Dirt Robotics. Jameson wanted to bring his passion for robotics to some of Australia's most remote schools, so he kitted out his Troopcarrier and hit the highways! In his talk, Jameson will talk about his journey, what robotics has meant for him, what robotics can open up for your students, and how they can get involved in robotics competitions like he did!

Will This Happen Again?

Yep! We've got another session planned for March 2023, and we're hoping to run a couple each term for the rest of the year. To join our mailing list head to Please support us to help run more of these sessions by spreading the word to your network!

Want to Participate?

If you'd like to put yourself forward as a speaker for a future session, email Troy at