beyond tellerrand // DÜSSELDORF 2015
Come and celebrate the 5th birthday of beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf. As usual we are giving our best to bring you a diverse, entertaining, and educating programm with some of the best and nicest people on stage.
Additional Information
beyond tellerrand brings you 2 days of code, creativity, inspiration and networking again. Affordable quality in a fantastic atmosphere. Early bird tickets are just €179 (incl. German VAT and booking fees) and standard tickets are only €279 (incl. German VAT and booking fees).
Among the first confirmed speakers are Jeffrey Veen, Scott Jehl, Sara Soueidan, Dave Shea, Rachel Nabors, Mr Bingo, and Sara Wachter-Boettcher … more following soon. Website coming early November.
Don't wait too long with getting your ticket as last year's event in Düsseldorf sold out 3 months before the event took place. beyond tellerrand // DÜSSELDORF 2015 is taking place May 11–13 2015 (conference on 11th and 12th, workshops on 13th). An event for a friendly and inspiring community!
- Two-Day Workshop: ST4I - Stuff That Talks To The Internet with Seb Lee-Delisle (May 9 and 10) – This new 2 day course covers all of the emerging platforms and services, and includes a workshop kit packed full of electronics worth over €200. (Full workshop description …]
- Full-Day Workshop: The DOM in Motion. – May 13 – a full-day animation workshop with Rachel Nabors for Web developers and designers who use JavaScript.
- Full-Day Workshop: Collaborate, Concept & Sell – May 13 – a full-day creative and hands-on workshop with Irene Pereyra and Anton Repponen about concepts, shaping ideas and design of a modern website.
- Full-Day Workshop: The Mobile Web – May 13 – a full-day workshop with everything you ahve to know about websites and web design for mobile devices. No one else than PPK is giving this workshop of course.
Side Events
Also check out the Side Events taking place around beyond tellerrand:
- IndieWebCamp Germany with Aaron Parecki and Jeremy Keith (May 9 and 10) – The importance of owning your data is getting more awareness. To grow it and help people gettings started, we're meeting for a bar-camp like collaboration in Düsseldorf for two days of brainstorming, working, teaching, helping. (Full information …]
- An Afternoon with Shopify and Friends (May 10) – join Keir Whitaker, Shopify Design Advocate, and a few friends for an afternoon/early evening get together comprising of short presentations, web chat, Q + A, and more.
- Pre-Conference Warm-Up (May 10) – as part of beyond tellerrand we meet the evening before the event to get into the right mood for the upcoming conference days. This year we're happy that Lean DUS is organising thi Warm-Up in the sipgate offices with BBQ, drinks and presentations as well. Don't forget to register on their site for to attend – we ned the numbers for BBQ and drinks ;)
Make sure, that you do not register for events which run parallel such as the ST4I workshop and the IndieWebCamp Germany or the Afternoon with Shopify and Friends, please!