The Medicine of Your Voice

Voice Empowerment Workshop with Bettina Maureenji.

Discover your voice as a tool for healing and transformation in every day life.

With a gift of exquisite chocolate from the award-winning Cocoa Mester.


Additional Information

The Medicine of Your Voice

Imagine each time we breathe in and out or make a sound, that vibration is rippled out through all there is. Each time we breath, each time we speak, when we think or sing, we effect our selves, our cells, our environment, the planet and the universe. Is that not incredible! So let's start to pay attention and use our voice as a tool for healing and transformation. — Bettina Maureenji

Making a rare visit to London, Bettina is offering a 3 hour workshop supporting you to discover your voice as a tool for healing and transformation in every day life. Learn different breathing and meditation techniques, warm ups for the voice and body, voice opening exercises, basic music theory and devotional songs.

No singing or musical skills necessary.

The workshop will begin at 2pm and run to 5pm rounding off with free chocolate from the award-winning Cocoa Mester.

Saturday Healing Concert

Every ticket purchase qualifies for a discount on the healing concert that Bettina and Holly Honeychurch are holding on the previous evening.

Bettina Maureenji

Internationally certified sound healing practitioner, contemporary Indian Sitar player, singer, voice and meditation teacher, mentor, traveler, shamanic practitioner, songwriter, mystic and musician with accreditation in sound, voice and music healing from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, California.

Bettina is one of those rare gems you come across in humanity. Her sincere style of teaching leaves you with more depth and appreciation for life and its natural beauty in melody. — Nicolle Jones, Hawaii