beCP March Camp

[Dutch] Voor een heel weekend komen (maximaal) 17 van de meest getalenteerde jonge informaticatalenten van het land samen in de Ardennen. In een omgeving met veel natuur en groen wordt de dag gevuld met korte lessen over geavanceerde onderwerpen, oefeningen in competitief programmeren, en natuurlijk de nodige vrije tijd. Je slaapt en eet ter plaatse, samen met leeftijdsgenoten die dezelfde passies en talenten hebben. Deze stages worden begeleid door twee coaches en zijn het hoogste niveau van informatica-training die in België beschikbaar is voor jongeren.

[French] Pour un week-end entier, 17 participants (au maximum) parmi les meilleurs informaticiens en herbe de Belgique se regroupent en Ardenne. Dans des batiments situés au coeur de la nature, les journées sont rythmées de cours, d'exercices d'algorithmiques et de temps libres. Vous dormez et mangez sur place, ensemble avec des jeunes de votre age partageant vos passions et votre talent. Ces camps sont typiquement menés par deux instructeurs issus des précédentes olympiades internationales et fournissent une formation au plus haut niveau pour les jeunes talents belges.

[English] For an entire weekend, 17 (at most) of the most talented young computer scientist join together in the Ardennes. In a green and natural environment, the day is filled with short lectures on advanced topics, exercises in competitive programming, and of course the necessary free time. You sleep and eat on the spot, together with people of the same age having the same passions and talents. These camps are lead by two coaches and are the highest level of training that is available to youngsters in Belgium.

Participation Fee

The weekend costs us 40-50€. What you pay is a contribution. If cancelled more than 2 weeks before the camp you will be reimbursed (except the platform cost) if we find a contestant to replace you. If less than 2 weeks before and we cannot replace you, we are charged for the food as well, and we will ask you to reimburse the full cost of your participation.


As usual, we will try to make lectures and exercises fit for both beginners and advanced participants.


  • Take a laptop if you can bring one.
  • The camp is globally in English (general explanation) but we try to have instructors in French and Dutch during all the weekend. Also there are contestants speaking French and Dutch to help you.
  • Arrival on Friday 8pm at La Marlagne, you'll meet everybody at the entrance of the main building (with the green roof)
  • Departure, arrive on Sunday between 4:30pm and 5pm, the group will be in the restaurant room, at the 2nd floor of the same building.
  • La Marlagne is located at “chemin des marronniers 26, Wépion (next to Namur)". There are a lot of road signs when you approach, follow the sign and not your GPS.
  • There are bed sheets, but no towel / shower gel, so bring your own.
  • Included: 2 nights in a two-bed rooms (shared with another contestant), breakfast, lunch, dinner on Saturday, breakfast, lunch and snack (at 4pm) on Sunday
  • We can organise the connections from/to Namur train station on Friday evening and Sunday for those who need it, but ask in advance !