Public Spaces, Private Data: can we build a better internet?

The internet has enormous potential to be a force for public good, with many initiatives working to create an open, inclusive and trustworthy network. and BBC Research & Development have worked together to organise this one day conference at MozFest House during Mozilla Foundation’s week-long open internet festival.

It will explore ways in which we could make a new internet that strengthens the public domain and deliver public value online, in line with PublicSpaces commitment to providing an ecosystem of alternative digital tools that serve the common interest and does not seek profit.


Event map

Additional Information


0900 - 0930 : Register

0930 - 1015 : Opening keynote

- Rachel Coldicutt - Doteveryone - CEO of Doteveryone

1020 - 1130 : Session One - Public-Controlled Data (with BBC R&D)

- Rhianne Jones - BBC R&D - Research Lead at BBC R&D

1130 - 1150 : Break

1150 - 1300 : Session Two - Equal Access for Everyone (with BBC R&D)

- Bill Thompson - BBC R&D - Principal Research Engineer at BBC R&D

1300 - 1400 : Lunch

1400 - 1510 : Session Three - A Healthy Digital Public Sphere (with Mozilla)

- Solana Larsen - Mozilla Foundation - Editor of Mozilla’s Internet Health Report

1510 - 1530 : Break

1530 - 1640 : Session Four - Public Service Networking (with

- Paulien Dresscher - Publicspaces & NFF - Independent curator, researcher, writer and educator

1640 - 1700 : Wrap up

1700 - 1800 : “Parking lot” discussion (optional unconference)

Image by wocintechchat on Flickr, CC licence