AngularBeers September

YAY! We're excited to come back on September and meet you all. We have a special guests!

Visit our meetup to get more information and last updates.

*This pass is a first come, first serve pass and no seats are guaranteed. Limited spots. *


Additional Information


1st TALK: "The case for Progressive Web"

The mobile web is slow and we've become accustomed to developing large and complex applications with powerful desktop and laptop machines. 73% of mobile internet users say that they’ve encountered a website that was too slow to load. The world of front end development is evolving continuously with more client-side heavy applications and with this, bundle sizes for many JS frameworks can be huge. This can significantly affect loading times, especially on a mobile device with a poor connection.

❯ PRPL Pattern

This talk will cover the concept behind the PRPL pattern, what it is and how you can use it to build a fast and reliable progressive single-page application.

We’ll talk about how you can:

• Push the most important resources first

• Render your initial route as soon as possible

• Pre-cache resources for all your routes using a Service Worker

• Lazy load your remaining routes so that they load on demand

About Houssein

Houssein does JavaScript at focusing on both web and mobile development. In his spare time, he enjoys contributing talks and technical writing to the development community. On the rare occasions when Houssein is not working on a blog post or his next side project, he enjoys weightlifting and watching far too much YouTube.

2nd Talk: "Code once, deploy everywhere with Ionic"

Hybrid mobile app development has come a long way in recent years, to the point that many, if not most, types of applications can be built with standard Web technologies. We will review what the Web has to offer in 2017 and how Ionic and Angular can help building world class applications on many platforms with only Web technologies.

About Julien

Julien is a front-end Mobile Engineer with experience working for startups and multinationals across the world. As a certified Scrum Master, Julien has worked with a team of 10 engineers located in three different countries for eBay. He spends most of his free time writing on his blog, developing his own open source projects, organizing Google Developer Group or AngularToulouse meetups, or contributing to open source projects.

3rd. Talk : "Angular Forms"

Forms are probably the most sensitive part of your web app. They are the main way we get data from the user. They seem simple enough, you just add an ngForm to your template, user clicks Submit and you have data. But there's more to them than that, and we're going to talk about that in this session. We'll try building forms in 2 ways: FormControls and FormBuilder. We'll then proceed to add Validations to one of the forms, touching on available Validations and then creating our custom one. We'll then look at the EventEmitter Observable and handle changes to our form.

About Alex

Alex Lakatos is a JavaScript Developer Advocate for Nexmo. In his spare time he is a Mozilla Tech Speaker and has been a contributor to the Mozilla project for the past six years, based in London. JavaScript developer building on the open web, he has been pushing its boundaries every day. A Trainer based in London he's been doing public and private Angular classes, runs a Meetup group, and just can't shut up about Angular when in front of an audience.