Featureban public online game

Experience flow, understand what gets in the way of achieving delivering value, see work-in-progress limits and learn Kanban principles.

This immersive simulation uses an online version of the popular Featureban flow game to take your understanding of flow to the next level. This process miniature illustrates many Kanban principles in accelerated time.


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2 hour online session

Experience flow, understand what gets in the way of achieving delivering value, see work-in-progress limits and learn Kanban principles.

This immersive simulation uses an online version of the popular Featureban flow game to take your understanding of flow to the next level. This process miniature illustrates many Kanban principles in accelerated time.

You will experience run-away work, see bottlenecks and become frustrated with team mates!

Learn how limiting work-in-progress, changing work intake mechanisms and team working can boost throughput.

In this simulation you will see the work build up and experience changes that reduce bottlenecks, improve flow and see how work completes when work-in-progress falls. By the end you will have take-away actions you can use immediately to improve your team's flow and delivery performance.

You will learn to:

  • Recognise when excess work-in-progress prevents work completing
  • Describe how always being busy can detract from overall throughput
  • Explain why adopting the "stop starting and start finishing" mantra delivers results
  • Demonstrate simple changes to improve workflow in your team

After completing this workshop you will receive:

  • Full recording of the workshop with chat transcript
  • Workshop slides
  • Certificate of completion

If you have 4 or more people wishing to attend why not have a private game? - enquire now, contact@softwarestrategy.co.uk

If you would prefer to pay directly or have other invoicing requirements please contact us directly, contact@softwarestrategy.co.uk