Media representation of disability, AbilityNet TechShare Pro 2022
Live in-person event as part of TechShare Pro 2022. Also available as a live stream as part of the online event.
How does media representation of disability affect the work of accessibility and inclusion advocates? This includes
- Forbes Magazine’s, "Mindset Matters" contributor, Jonathan Kaufman, discusses reactions to his tales of disability culture and innovation and how readers, editors and publishers respond to his stories.
- Comedian, writer and actress, Francesca Martinez, discusses fairytales and disability and how the stories we hear as children influence social attitudes to disabled people.
- Clive Gilbert, AbilityNet DispATches, Jo Crawford, Times Radio and other journalists with lived experience of disability
- Channel4 Disability Code of Portrayal
- plus networking and refreshments.
The event is free but we welcome a donation to support AbilityNet's work with disabled people.
The event will also be streamed live.