Rapha Malaysia | Festive 500 | Day 1| 7-Eleven, D'Bayu, Bukit Jelutong


Join us in closing the season with the annual Rapha Festive 500 challenge. You'll be one of ten thousands riders around the world in getting up off the bed and onto your bike. The idea is simple, ride 500km between 24th to 31st December.

The ride will be led by Rapha Staff and Ambassadors, and supported by the Rapha Cycle Club members, riders may be split into different packs depending on ability level.

Ride details as follows: Start/ End: 7 Eleven D Bayu, 7.15am, Sunday 24th December | Estimated Distance: 133km | Estimated End Time: 12.00 noon | Shorter loop: U turn at end of latar 45km. Total 90km. Route / GPX Download: https://www.strava.com/routes/11331475

This is a no-drop ride with dedicated ride sweepers to make sure no one gets left behind.

Get out there on your bikes and join us!

All riders are welcome!