EventStorming Facilitation Virtual Workshop (6 x 2hr) - March 2025

March 11-13 & 18-20, 2025 ( Tue, Wed, Thu: 9-11am MT each day, both weeks)

This virtual workshop with Paul Rayner consists of 6 x 2 hr sessions at 9am - 11am (Mountain Time) each day on March 11-13 and March 18-20 (Tue-Thu over 2 consecutive weeks).

Collaboration between different disciplines in your organization can be difficult, and finding clarity and alignment on both the right problem to solve and the right solution design even more so. We each approach improvement from our own (limited) perspective, without taking into account the whole story. How is that effective?

EventStorming is a workshop format that promotes collaboration between different disciplines in order to solve business problems in the most effective way.

What you will learn

In this highly hands-on and interactive virtual workshop you'll learn advanced EventStorming facilitation skills spanning from large scale business discovery to collaborative solution design at the team level.

Learn how to facilitate the different EventStorming formats applied to real business problems, taking into account the different perspectives (including the facilitator). Practice applying EventStorming to various problems, reflecting on your learning and questions as we go deeper into the techniques.

Learn tips and tricks for effective facilitation of collaborative workshops in both in-person and virtual settings, and practice planning an EventStorming session for your own context.

**All participants must keep their webcams on and participate in the group exercises and Q&A during the workshop. If you cannot do this then this virtual workshop will not be a good fit for you.**

"We really enjoyed the EventStorming workshop! Paul’s facilitation style and methodology made the exercise easy to understand, and participation and collaboration came with ease. He’s very good at tactfully encouraging differing opinions through thoughtful discussion. The workshop was a huge success with a highly valuable end result!"

Big picture

Session 1 - Introducing EventStorming

  • Explain the kinds of problems EventStorming is optimized for
  • Describe what a domain event is and give examples
  • Practice EventStorming a narrative together

Sessions 2 & 3 - Using EventStorming to Understand the Big Picture

  • Define key events and show how to identify them in a narrative
  • Practice modeling a process using milestones as structural guides
  • Apply making process problems and unknowns visible
  • EventStorm a high-level business process
  • Enrich a timeline with actors and their motivations
  • Leverage key events to identify sub-process goals
  • Summarize key techniques for staying focused when domain modeling

Sessions 4 & 5 - Using EventStorming to Model a Process

  • Apply collaborative modeling to sketch modeling options quickly
  • Summarize virtual and in-person facilitation tips and tricks
  • Make significant business rules and options explicit
  • Compare different powerful questions to drive deeper modeling

Sessions 5 & 6 - Using EventStorming to Design a Solution

  • Apply collaborative modeling to sketch modeling options quickly
  • Adding decisions, data, state machines, etc.
  • Identify lifecycle stages in a timeline
  • Blend user experience design and service design into software design
  • Design your own EventStorming workshop

"I've had many preconceived notions about how to do EventStorming. Some have been confirmed by the workshop and others I need to rethink! Good stuff."

Workshop Format

  • 6 instructor-led hands-on 2 hour online class sessions.
  • Live instruction using Zoom and Miro (i.e. collaborative online whiteboard) in each session.
  • You will need a good webcam, internet connection and microphone to participate in this workshop. In order to maximize engagement, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE YOUR SCREEN ON.
  • We will send you detailed instructions for the workshop a couple of weeks prior.
  • Upon finishing the workshop you will receive an electronic certificate of achievement.

This workshop is highly hands-on, varied, and interactive. We will be doing group exercises in Zoom breakout rooms.

By spreading the training into shorter interactive virtual sessions, we minimize the impact to your daily work and keep your energy levels high.

"Insightful, interesting and fun. Converging & emerging techniques to work incrementally, time boxing, and walking the narrative."

Who Should Attend Anybody who works in software teams or with software teams will be able to fully participate in this workshop and take away concrete skills they can apply in real working situations. This includes software developers, architects, testers, product owners, business analysts, delivery managers, engineering managers, directors, and CTOs.

"Our EventStorming session with Paul was a huge success. He’s very adept at guiding and informing the process while allowing participants to storm, discuss and ultimately reach their own conclusions. We emerged from the session with a much better understanding and greater agreement around our domains."

About Paul Rayner

Paul Rayner is a developer, instructor, coach, consultant, and popular conference speaker with over thirty years of software development experience. Paul provides DDD and EventStorming training and coaching through Virtual Genius.

Paul is the founder and chair of the Explore DDD conference, the premier domain-driven design conference in North America, and co-founder of DDD Denver. He is also the author of The EventStorming Handbook, and a co-author of Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber. He lives in Denver, Colorado, with his wife and two teenagers.

Don’t See What You’re Looking For?

Send us a message at and we'll gladly answer any other questions you may have about our workshops and coaching.


Registration is not currently available.

Additional Information

Need an Invoice? Please send us an email and we will be happy to process your request. A $15 administrative fee will be added to the order.

Need a Refund? Refunds are available up to two weeks before the start of the workshop. Refunds incur a 10% administrative fee.

Cancellation Policy: We will send an email confirming that a workshop has reached the minimum number of participants 10-14 days before the workshop. Workshops not meeting the minimum number of participants will be cancelled. If that should happen, attendees will be able to register for another workshop or receive a full refund.