GEMME seminar on Mediation in Employment Law

Date: Wednesday 19th April 2023

Tea/coffee welcome: 4.15pm

Start Time: 4.30pm

Finish Time: 6.00pm

Location: Gaffney Room, Distillery Building and Online Platform - Using Zoom

Topic: Mediation in Employment Law


  1. Mark Connaughton SC
  2. Breda O'Malley, Partner, Hayes Solicitors

Chair: Ms Justice Marguerite Bolger

To attend this event, please register below.

This event is open to to all those with an interest in Employment Law



April 19th, 2023

4:30pm – 6:00pm UTC
GEMME Ireland Event

Additional Information

GEMME – Groupement Européen des Magistrats pour la Médiation/European Association of Judges for Mediation – is an organisation that seeks to assist judges in familiarising themselves with mediation.  GEMME is an association of judges of the EU member states and member states of the European Free Exchange Group, including Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Iceland.  The primary aim of GEMME is to promote national associations of judges who are committed to mediation and other alternative forms of dispute-resolution processes that are legally permitted.

Participation in GEMME conferences and related activities enables the sharing of information and best practice in mediation across Europe. It also affords opportunities for the professional training and upskilling of judges in effective mediation and ADR approaches.

The first chair/president of GEMME Ireland was Mr Justice Paul Gilligan (retired judge of the Court of Appeal). The current chair/president is Ms Justice Marguerite Bolger (High Court).  Membership of GEMME Ireland includes many members of the Irish judiciary and associate members who are accredited mediators. The branch regularly hosts presentations and seminars on mediation and ADR topics, including mediation in commercial matters, family-law matters, civil matters, and in the area of restorative justice.  For more information, visit