CBA Tech Talk: An Irish Building Regulator - Definitely, Maybe or Hot to Go?

CBA Tech Talk

Date: 6 Nov 2024

Location: Online & Gaffney Room

Speaker: Dr Deirdre Ní Fhloinn BL

Topic: The Irish Building regulator - Definitely Maybe, or Hot to Go?

The Report of the building Regulator Steering Group was published in July 2024, recommending a national building control regulator to improve effectiveness of building regulation and to bring construction products ad building control under a single body, with an interim Regulator to be appointed pending primary legislation. Dr Deirdre Ní Fhloinn BL offers context and reflections on the proposal and signposts for the road ahead.

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Additional Information

The Construction Bar Association of Ireland (CBA), founded on 23 April 2013, is a specialist association of Irish lawyers who practise in or have an interest in construction law and the resolution of disputes in the sector. The CBA seeks to advance the state of knowledge of Irish construction law through its regular Technical Talks Programme, the CBA Construction Law Periodical, the Annual CBA Construction Law Conference and ad hoc briefings to members on hot topics as they arise during the legal year.

The CBA acts as a vibrant hub for Irish lawyers who advise upon or act in construction law-related matters to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience. The CBA has grown since its inception in April 2013 to include over 130 members of the Law Library in its membership. Membership of the Association is open to both barristers and solicitors; the relevant application forms can be downloaded from the CBA website.