Ensuring 6G Social Acceptance 6G4Society & Hexa-X-II Webinar

Communication networks are the backbone of our connected society. Reliable, secure and inclusive connectivity is indispensable to access many essential services, and this is why a multistakeholder approach is at the centre of the way next generation Smart Networks and Services (SNS) are being designed and will be engineered and managed.

Several SNS JU projects are already working to ensure that societal, environmental and economic values are embedded by design into the development of 6G, bringing a sustainability and societal perspective to technological development. Two of these projects are Hexa-X-II and 6G4Society, who are organising a joint webinar.

This webinar has the twofold objective of:

  • Reporting the work done so far by the 6G4Society and the Hexa-X-II SNS JU projects, specifically on how to integrate social acceptance into the development of 6G and how to ensure societal and environmental values are integrated by design.
  • Animating discussions and gathering feedback within the SNS JU community and beyond on the main challenges and priorities to ensure 6G social acceptance. When? 6 November 09:30-11:30 CEST Where? On Zoom, sign up on Tito to add this webinar directly into your calendar and receive a reminder before the event!


  • Welcome and introduction to the webinar - Monique Calisti (Martel Innovate) 6G Societal Acceptance and Sustainability - Chiara Mazzone (SNS JU Office) and Pavlos Fournourakis (SNS JU Office)
  • Introduction to the 6G4Society and Hexa-X-II projects - Eva Hajdok (Martel Innovate) and Mikko Uusitalo (Nokia)
  • Building a Social Acceptance Model for 6G - Margot Bezzi (CyberEthics Lab.)
  • Analysis of previous surveys on 5G - Maurizio Cecchi (Institute P.I.I.U.) and Ishita Mishra (Institute P.I.I.U.)
  • Preliminary results from 6G4Society Citizen Survey - Flavia Maragno (Digital for Planet)
  • Feedback from local Public Administrations - Louise Renoux (ORANGE)
  • Open discussion - Q&A session
  • Wrap-up and next appointments

6G4Society & Hexa-X-II Webinar will take place on November 6, 2024, at 9h30 CEST, covering the subject of 6G Social Acceptance. The event will feature presentations delivered by high-level speakers, followed by a panel discussion and an interactive Q&A session.

Attendance is free, but registration is mandatory.


Additional Information

6G4Society & Hexa-X-II Webinar

Ensuring 6G Social Acceptance

Event host: 6G4Society and Hexa-X-II

The event will be recorded. For any questions about the event please contact info@6g4society.eu

The information provided during registration will be used solely for the purpose of organizing the event and will not be shared with third parties, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).