baltimore nodeschool, episode 2

Our first event was a huge success—let's do another one! Please register yourself now and then make sure you help us spread the word, too!

Sunday, July 20th from 1-5pm

What's nodeschool? nodeschool is a series of open-source command line workshops published on and created to teach people the basic concepts of node programming. You can learn all about the baltimore nodeschool event at

What happens at an event? We'll get into pairs and spend a few hours making our way through the "Learn You Node For Much Win" introductory lesson. We'll have snacks, drinks, and a team of awesome mentors* to help you if you get stuck. Come learn with us!

Already did "learn you node" last time? Come do it again! Repetition will help you learn and you'll get further this time! We promise!

Want to be a mentor?

Mentors do the lesson in advance and help others during the event. You can learn more about being a mentor on our mentors page. If you're interested, register as a mentor below and I'll be in touch to give you lots of information about how it will work. Contact us if you have questions before you commit.


Find us on Twitter (@bmorenodeschool) or email Jason at

Reserve your free spot now!

Not sure yet? Can't make this one but interested in future events? Give us your email and we'll keep you in the loop...

Additional Information

Before you come on the day of the event:

  1. If you don't have a laptop you can bring, make sure you answer that question during the registration process. DHF has graciously allowed us to use a few for this reason, but we need to know beforehand for a count.
  2. If you can, get node and npm installed and run npm install -g learnyounode before you come. If you aren't comfortable with any of that, we'll do it together!
  3. Read through our code of conduct: agreement is a part of your registration. Let's make nodeschool events safe and welcoming for everyone.